Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Front Page extensions not working in plesk

Microsoft discontinued FP and Plesk is no longer supporting it.
MS is not allowing any distributing of FP extensions.

FP will not work on new installs of Plesk 8.1 and anything above Fedora Core 3

For more details please have a look at http://forum.swsoft.com/printthread.php?threadid=39097

Ninad S

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How to Disable DrWeb notification e-mails on Plesk

To Disable DrWeb notification e-mails

“%plesk_dir%\mysql\bin\mysql” -uadmin -padmin_password -P8306 psa

First, make sure that record responsible for antivirus notification exists in table psa.misc. You can check it using this query:

select val from misc where param = ‘AntivirusNotifyAdmin’;

This query should return a value: 0 or 1.

0 - notifications are disabled; 1 - notifications are enabled;

To switch this value you can use these queries:

update misc set val=’0’ where param = ‘AntivirusNotifyAdmin’; - to disable notifications update misc set val=’1’ where param = ‘AntivirusNotifyAdmin’; - to enable notifications

If there was no result returned you need to insert this record into table misc using this query:

insert into misc values (’AntivirusNotifyAdmin’,’0’);

Then you will be able to control notifications sending.

Notice: ‘AntivirusNotifyAdmin’ parameter that controls notifications for Plesk administrator. If it’s necessary to disable/enable notifications for clients you can use the following parameters instead of ‘AntivirusNotifyAdmin’:

‘AntivirusNotifySender’ - for e-mail sender ‘AntivirusNotifyRecipients’ - for e-mail recipient

Ninad S

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Parse error when viewing web site created by Site Studio

If you receive a parse error when viewing your site in a web browser, this is because your web site coded incorrectly.

Parse errors are displayed when the web server can not read and display your web site code. The common cause of this is that you have copied and pasted code from another program into Site Studio, such as Microsoft Office that is not properly formatted. For example: Microsoft Office does not produce HTML code to industry standards and includes lots of non-standard code.

The solution is to remove the custom code you have inserted into Site Studio and insert plain text only. Once you have made the changes, republish the web site and your site should display correctly.


Ninad S

How to set up additional FTP user and give them limited access to a directory to upload in plesk

You can do this using the following steps :

login to plesk

Click on domain name--click on webusers and add a webuser.

Add this webuser by the name of directory to which you need the webuser to upload since when you add webuser a directory gets created by its name and user can upload to this directory with webuser name and password and only has access to that directory

Ninad S

Thursday, June 14, 2007

WHM not working after upgrading to cpanel 11

We all know that lot of the things dont work in cpanel 11

Recently I upgraded cpanel to version11 and the problem started. I was not able to login to whm, all mails stop working etc.

I checked the server and found that perl version was 5.8.7

To upgrade cpanel 11 you need perl 5.8.8

1) Make sure you're running Perl 5.8.8:

a) check perl -v to make sure it says 5.8.8

b) if you see 5.8.7 or something else, follow these steps:

1) wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/perl588installer.tar.gz
2) tar xfvz perl588installer.tar.gz
3) cd perl588installer
4) ./install
5) /usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkperlmodules

2) Upgrade YAML::Syck and File::Copy::Recurisve:
1) /scripts/realperlinstaller YAML::Syck
2) /scripts/realperlinstaller File::Copy::Recurisve

Issue was resolved :)

Ninad S

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Getting following error while restarting the cpanel service on server.

-bash-# service cpanel restart
Stopping cPanel services: [ OK ]
Stopping pop3 services: [ OK ]
Stopping cPanel log services: [FAILED]
Stopping cPanel Chat services: [ OK ]
Stopping Melange Chat services: [FAILED]
Stopping InterChange services: [FAILED]
Stopping cPanel ssl services: [ OK ]

Stopping mailman services: Shutting down Mailman’s master qrunner

Starting eximstats: [ OK ]
Starting cPanel services: [ OK ]
Starting cPanel Log services: /usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/perl/auto/RRDs/RRDs.so: undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr
/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/lib/perl/auto/RRDs/RRDs.so: undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr
Starting pop3 services: [ OK ]
Starting cPanel Chat services: [ OK ]
Starting Melange Chat services:
Starting cPanel ssl services: [FAILED]
Starting mailman services: Starting Mailman’s master qrunner.

Solution : >>

1. rm -rf /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/rrdtool

2. /scripts/rrdtoolinstall

3. restart cpanel service

That resolve your issue.


Ninad S

Create my own error pages?

To make your own error pages download templates that are initally placed in the root of /public_html/ directory.


These are the files that you will need to edit. Simply FTP these down to your home computer and then edit them with a HTML editor.

The varibles that you can insert can be found in those above documents and also in the control panel. If you look in the custom error page part then you can view the codes.

Once edited, place them in the /cpanel3-skel/public_html/ directory. You can also include a holding page (call it index.html) like the one we use.
When you then create an account with Web host manager it will automatically put these files into the newly created accounts directory.

Ninad S

Unrouteable Email error

While sending emails from your email address and you get the error Unrouteable address with RCPT reject. That means the problem at receivers end.

Check the following things.

1. Check the domains entry is available in userdoamins.

2. Check the domains entry is is available in localdomain

3. check the domain must having catchall address set if not then set
vi /etc/valiases/domain.com

*: username

4. also make sure that the mail folder having ownership user:mail

5. restart exim services once.


Ninad S

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Where to check account logs (cpanel)

cat /var/cpanel/accounting.log | grep domain

Ninad S

To view suspended account from shell (cpanel)

cd /var/cpanel/suspended
see the user which is suspended and the reason

Ninad S

Enable GET command

To give GET command
usermod -G get-users ninad

where ninad is username

Ninad S

To see the time of IP Access

Give below command to find out time of IP Access

cat access_log | domain name | grep 21/dec

Ninad S

Squirrel mail session error in global file

If you are getting squirrel mail session error in global file.
insert ob_start();
then remove the session from /tmp folder by rm command

If this doesnt work then post your comments ;)

Ninad S

VPS Functions

To create and start a VPs, run the following commands:

[server-node]# vzctl create VEID --ostemplate osname
[server-node]# vzctl set VEID --ipadd b.c.d.e --save
[server-node]# vzctl start VEID

Here VEID is the numeric ID for the VPS; osname is the name of the OS template for the VPS, and b.c.d.e is the IP address to be assigned to the VE.

For example:
[server-node]# vzctl create 102 --ostemplate centos-4-minimal
[server-node]# vzctl set 102 --ipadd b.c.d.e --save
[server-node]# vzctl start 102

Your new VPs should be up and running now. You can see its processes:
[server-node]# vzctl exec VEID ps ax

To enter VPS give the following command:
[server-node]# vzctl enter VEID
entered into VPS VEID

To exit from VPS, just type exit and press enter:
[ve]# exit
exited from VPS VEID


To stop VPs:

[server-node]# vzctl stop VEID
Stopping VPS ...
VPS was stopped
VPS is unmounted

To destroy VPs:
[server-node]# vzctl destroy VEID
Destroying VPS private area: /vz/private/VEID
VPS private area was destroyed

Ninad S

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